Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup with Homemade Egg Noodles

Chicken Noodle Soup with Homemade Egg Noodles
My children's most frequently asked question..."Mom what's for dinner?"  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  It's always the big question.  What IS for dinner tonight?  Well this is one dinner that always pleases and it's the best comfort food, ever.  It's really easy and amazingly flavorful. All you need is a roaster chicken, onion, carrots, celery and a few staples from the cupboard and fridge.  Serving this for dinner will ensure you have one happy family tonight.  My kids want to eat this all the time!  My son just looked at this picture and said,"  Oh can we have that tonight?"  (Never mind we just had it a few nights ago!) Don't be afraid of making the homemade noodles!  They "make" the soup!  They are really easy and fast!  I like to serve this soup with my Crusty Herb Bread.  This recipe will make a large batch for a gathering of family or friends.  Freeze half of the soup or take some to neighbor if you are not serving this to a big bunch.  Of course having left overs for the next day is always helpful.


                         Homemade Egg Noodles:
2 cups flour
1 teaspoons salt
2 eggs
4 tablespoons milk

On clean counter top mix flour and salt in a pile.  Make a hole at the top of the pile and pour eggs into hole.  Mash eggs inside hole with finger tips and add milk into hole. Now work in flour with your fingertips until dough forms.  Knead a bit.  There will be some extra flour, spread it out and roll dough out on counter top to 1/8 inch thick.  With pizza cutter, cut into strips.  Leave straight or roll into twisty cords.  Let dry on counter top for an hour or two while making the soup.  If however you don't have time to let the noodles dry, you can throw them in the soup a few minutes after making them and it still turns out fantastic.  My friend Rebecca Bateman shared this recipe for homemade noodles with me, it's a fun one to let your kids help you with. 

                                           Chicken and broth:

1 fryer or roaster chicken or a cooked rotisserie chicken
1 cup celery leaves
1 onion quartered
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
4 quarts water or 16 cups

In large stock pot place water, chicken, vegetables and seasonings.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 45 minutes.  Strain chicken stock into another large pot.  You will use this as the base for the soup.  Remove chicken from bones.  Set meat aside and chop.  Discard vegetable scraps.   Note: If you are using a precooked roaster chicken from the market, simply remove meat from bones and set meat aside.  Place chicken bones and skin in the water with the vegetables and seasonings and simmer into a broth for 45 minutes to an hour. 


1 onion, chopped
5 large carrots, sliced into thin rounds
1 cup celery chopped
16 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules, powder or cubes

Add chopped onion, carrots, celery and bouillon to the pot of broth and simmer for 15-30 minutes.  Stir in the Homemade Egg Noodles and chopped chicken. Simmer another 15 minutes or until the noodles are done.   Season with salt and pepper.    

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