Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hot Chocolatella

 "For we need a little music,
Need a little laughter;
Need a little singing
Ringing through the rafter;
And we need a little snappy
'Happy ever after,'
We need a little Christmas now."        
                                                                                  ~Jerry Herman

Hot Chocolatella
The "hot chocolate" season is once again upon us!  It always amazes me how a cup of hot chocolate will bring a smile to everyone's face!  Especially children's!  Now we begin the season of delighting, warming, comforting and creating memories that our children and families will forever enjoy.  It's truly a magical time of year and I hope you will enjoy creating the magic in your home and kitchen!  I tried my first cup of Chocolatella while breaking from our hectic house hunting trip. Ted and I spent a lovely spring morning in a crepe shop in downtown Washington DC talking about our favorite homes and areas.  I ordered a cup of Chocolatella alongside my morning crepe.  Of course I had to try my hand at my own version.  Warm and delicious!  Nothing more fun than a cute cup of hot chocolate!

2-3 cups milk
1/2 cup Nutella

Heat milk in a pot on the stove top over low heat.  Whisk constantly to prevent scorching. Add Nutella and whisk until smooth and thoroughly combined.  That's a lot of whisking!  Enjoy topped with whipped cream and sprinkles!  I like to whip up some whipping cream, sweeten it with sugar and add a pinch of cream of tartar (if you have it, for stabilizing the cream.) Scoop cream into a decorators bag with a wide tip and pipe fresh whipped cream on top of hot cocoa.  Almost any kind of sprinkles look adorable sprinkled on top. 

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