Friday, March 7, 2014

Marshmallow Brownies

Jumbo Marshmallow Brownie 
with Chocolate Drizzle
Everyone has a day when they just need to relax and eat a brownie!

 Best Brownies

1 ½ cups butter
3 cups sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
4 eggs
2 cups flour
1 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
12-16 ounces mini marshmallows

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9x13 inch glass baking dish with parchment paper.  In bowl of electric mixer whip butter, sugar and vanilla.  Whip in eggs.  Sift dry ingredients together and add to butter mixture. Whip until mixture looks like soft ice cream.  Spread smoothly onto bottom of baking sheet.  Bake for 40-45 minutes.  Remove from oven and cover with one bag of mini marshmallows.  Return brownies to oven for 2 minutes.  Spread hot marshmallows out as smoothly as possible, using a wet knife.  Frost with Chocolate Frosting or use the Chocolate Drizzle over the top of the marshmallow layer.  Lift block of brownies out of pan using the parchment paper.  Cut brownies into large squares.  

Chocolate Frosting

 1/3 cup canned milk (substitute with regular milk if needed)
½ cup butter
1/3 cup coco
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 cup powdered sugar

In electric mixer mix all ingredients until smooth and creamy.  Spread over cooled marshmallow layer.    

Chocolate Drizzle

1 cup chocolate chips
1 tablespoon shortening

Melt chocolate and shortening in top of double boiler.  Drizzle over marshmallow layer while chocolate is hot and runny.

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