Friday, May 30, 2014

Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Sorbet Frosting

Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Sorbet Frosting
Happy Cookie Friday!   Summertime is finally here!  (Just saying that makes me want to get up and dance to High School Musical 2!)  I hope you all have a fun end of the school year!   Hope you enjoy these yummy summertime cupcakes!  Like I've said before...I LOVE LEMON!!!  We are off to Mexico on Monday so I won't be checking in for a bit...but I promise to bring back all kinds of great ideas, photos and foods from Mexico!  Hasta Luego!

Lemon Cupcakes

1 cup butter, softened
1 ¾ cups sugar
3 cups flour
2 ¼ teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
4 large eggs
1 1/3 cups buttermilk
3 teaspoons lemon extract
Zest from one lemon

In bowl of electric mixer, beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.   Mix dry ingredients together.  Beginning with four mixture, add to butter mixture alternately with buttermilk, ending with flour mixture.  Beat in vanilla, lemon extract and zest.  Fill cups half full ONLY.  Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes.  Cool on bakers rack.   Frost when completely cool.
Lemon Sorbet Frosting

12 cups powdered sugar
1 ½ cups butter
8-12 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 teaspoons lemon extract

Beat all ingredients together in bowl of electric mixer until light and fluffy.  Begin with adding only 8 tablespoons of lemon juice.  If frosting is too stiff add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice at a time until soft but stiff.  Fit a BIG round or star tip in a pastry bag and fill with frosting.  Pipe one dollop of frosting in center of the cupcake.  Now start winding a big thick strip of frosting around the outside of the cupcake.  Swirl frosting towards the center overlapping as you go, until you reach the center top.  Add your favorite sprinkles, top with a blueberry, raspberry or add a little live flower or a candy flower to make them perfect for any occasion.  Let set uncovered in a cool location until ready to serve, even overnight if needed.

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