Saturday, December 7, 2013


        "Heap on more wood!~
the wind is chill;
But let it whistle
as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas
merry still."
~Sir Walter Scott

As legend has it, if you drink wassail at Christmastime, you’ll have good luck all year long.  My friend Andrea shared this recipe with me at a Christmas party and it's been a favorite ever since.  I made it the other day to enjoy at a "Fresh Wreath Making Party" among friends.  It's quite sweet, that's why I recommend serving it in small cups.  It's so perfect to go alongside many a Christmas dessert and adds a wonderful aroma to your home!

2 quarts water
3 2/3 cup sugar
8 cinnamon sticks
8 whole allspice berries
24 cloves
3 ginger root pieces in ½ inch chunks
8 cups orange juice
2 cups lemon juice
1 gallon apple cider

In a large pot bring the water, sugar and spices to a slow boil.  Boil 1 hour.  Drain the spices and add orange juice, lemon juice and apple cider.  Heat to warm and serve in small cups.  Serve with a cinnamon stick if desired.


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